Let’s get one thing straight, WWE marks: Solomon Crowe did not leave NXT. Sami Callihan went home. I don’t know Sami personally, nor do I know the details of his leaving NXT….
The documentary about Tim Donst’s victory over cancer is now online in its entirety. Whether you’re a wrestling fan or not, it’s an inspiring story. Tim’s a great guy and a hard…
Tim Donst was told five months ago he would never wrestle again. Not only is he about to prove that doctor wrong, he has a T-shirt store, a documentary, AND a music video….
I decided to compile a list of Tough Enough hopefuls who have worked the Louisville area for those who want to keep tabs and support them. In no particular order, here they are: Shane…
UnsungPhilly.com posted this video with indy wrestler Tim Donst today. Donst was recently diagnosed with cancer. It’s put at least a temporary halt to his wrestling dreams, but Donst (real name Mike…
Cancer sucks. While there are many wrestling fans (myself included) who can appreciate and cheer for a great heel, Cancer is one heel that will never, ever get cheers. Ever. Tim Donst…