Princess Victoria is one of the unsung heroes of women’s wrestling. She only wrestled for four years, her career ending after a fluke accident, but she remains a fan favorite. She’s a…
I am very excited about this book. I just re-read through the wrestling chapters tonight. Vicki has some tremendous stories about Wendi Richter, Velvet McIntyre, Stan Stasiak, Roddy Piper, and more. This…
A month or so back, I was surfing the Channel Store on Roku and came across a new wrestling channel simply called ‘Rasslin. Featuring a Rob Van Dam caricature on its channel…
There are many reasons to lament the changes that have happened in the wrestling business in the past few decades, but there are some things we should all be glad to see… said it best tonight: the greatest pay-per-view in the history of Heaven is happening tonight. Just a few weeks after we lost Dusty Rhodes, Rowdy Roddy Piper is gone. My Facebook…