I’d love to sell you on attending Strictly Nsane Wrestlings Girl Fight show by saying it’s even better than the WWE divas division, but since the WWE keeps setting the bar so…
Imagine a woman with the classic, “Diva” look that Vince McMahon prefers who not only knows how to do wrestling holds and moves, but fully understands the psychology of working a match,…
Last week, it was the women – not the men – stole the show on a live NXT special broadcast on the WWE Network. It wasn’t the first time this has happened,…
We are two days from Girl Fight at the ArenA in Jeffersonville, and today’s introduction features the hometown girl who has taken the wrestling world by storm. Some kids get into wrestling…
Mary Elizabeth Monroe was the new face that night. She burst through the curtain to a Katy Perry song, waving and smiling like a homecoming queen. The crowd made her feel welcome,…
If you’re going to Girl Fight in Jeffersonville next week, bring some extra cash, and hit up the Lovely Lylah’s table. If you’re lucky, she’ll have cupcakes or cake pops. Whatever she’s…