A month or so back, I was surfing the Channel Store on Roku and came across a new wrestling channel simply called ‘Rasslin. Featuring a Rob Van Dam caricature on its channel…
I had the pleasure of seeing Cody Runnels in his earliest days at OVW. I probably saw him more than any other WWE prospect during the last years of developmental. The young,…
Mark Vital isn’t the first man to wear hot pink to the ring, but he wears it exceptionally well. The East Coast wrestling star with feather boas and flamboyant style is already…
There are many reasons to lament the changes that have happened in the wrestling business in the past few decades, but there are some things we should all be glad to see…
Kayfabenews.com said it best tonight: the greatest pay-per-view in the history of Heaven is happening tonight. Just a few weeks after we lost Dusty Rhodes, Rowdy Roddy Piper is gone. My Facebook…
The best things in professional wrestling are often the things that happen organically. They are not the result of a promoter’s careful planning and execution, but the sum of a dozen or…
There’s a story in Eat Sleep Wrestle about Dusty Rhodes from Ian Rotten. Ian was in his early twenties when he booked one of his great heroes for IWA Mid-South, Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes…