This story was first published on October 21, 2022. If you want to know how the OVW title picture turned out after the Netflix documentary cameras stopped rolling, here’s your answer. If…
“On the last episode of OVW Rise, Crixus and Tony Gunn had joined up with The Revolution, the newest evil faction that also includes EC3 and OVW legend Jamin Olivencia. But who…
If you want to get the feel for what OVW was like in the WWE Developmental hey day, you better get over there now. If you can get tickets. Somewhere around 2001-2002,…
On September 28 in Davis Arena, four tag teams locked up this week in a Four Corners match. Luke Kurtis and Joe Mack of the OVERmen, the current tag team champions, came…
For the last year, I’ve watched very little wrestling on TV. I used to hit the gym every Wednesday and Friday night, partly to catch AEW. It’s not a priority any more….
Wrestling fans are going to want to know more when Wrestlers arrives on Netflix next week. Who is Cash Flo? Why does Haley J look so familiar? Can Shalonce Royal really sing?…
“Wow. That’s a big camera crew.” As I settled into my seat at Davis Arena on a warm August night in 2022, I couldn’t help noticing just how many cameras were around…
The cake was absolutely lovely. Baked by Little Monsters Sweets, the two layer delicacy created for Aaron Grider and Freya the Slaya sat on a table close to the hard cam side…
Since the summer of 2022, I’ve been an avid follower of OVW in Louisville. It’s not only been a joy to see the promotion revitalized, thanks to new investors and the Netflix…
I never get tired of seeing OVW live. Not these days. I haven’t been able to go every week this fall because of work and just life in general, but every time…