Ain’t no wrestling story like a Mad Man Pondo story. Here’s one Pondo shared with me after posting this photo online, a memento of his one night with UWF in Florida. …
This is hands down the coolest wrestling shirt I have ever seen. I bought one back in December and had it mailed to my wife so she could wrap it up for…
Cancer sucks. While there are many wrestling fans (myself included) who can appreciate and cheer for a great heel, Cancer is one heel that will never, ever get cheers. Ever. Tim Donst…
When I was writing Eat Sleep Wrestle, I knew I was creating a time capsule. What’s written in the pages of that book is a moment of time, now past, depicting the…
It’s been a few days since I posted. Been a busy week with other writing projects besides wrestling. Hoping to resume my normal writing schedule by end of the week. I did…
I had a Bluegrass Brawlers related story I was going to post tonight, but then I saw this promo about the upcoming CZW anniversary show. The best tag team I’ve ever seen…
This is one of the greatest matches that most fans have never seen. An outstanding duel more than a decade old featuring CM Punk and his greatest rival, Chris Hero. This one…