As a fan of women’s wrestling, I was thrilled when Kick Out at Two did No Men November. I’m equally thrilled that they haven’t waited another full year to book their next…
Want to read Eat Sleep Wrestle for free? Not the blog, but the book, chronicling the stories of people like Mad Man Pondo, Aaron Williams, Tyson Dux, Marc Hauss, Eric Emanon, Mickie…
Independent film is something near and dear to my heart. Before I began writing about wrestling, I was heavily involved in indy film. So I was very excited when I ran across…
I was already excited to do my first wrestling convention this April. I’ll have a book table in the vendor’s hall with copies of Bluegrass Brawlers, Eat Sleep Wrestle, Lord Carlton, and…
It had been a while since I paid a visit to Southern Indiana’s legendary wrestling promotion, IWA Mid-South. I’m not big on blood and hardcore and deathmatches, a hallmark of IWA-MS, and truth…
Me: Who’s on the podcast this week? Righteous Jesse: Damien Wayne. Me: Sounds like a Batman fan. Righteous Jesse: I didn’t even think about that! The Kick Out at Two Podcast is back…
The cat is out of the bag. Mad Man Pondo is writing a book. After years of being badgered by friends and fans alike, Pondo has agreed to put his incredible story…
Brutal Bob Evans continues to show why he is the Yoda of today’s independent wrestlers. Here are some thoughts he shared on Facebook today: “There are those that think WWE is waging…
I used to be a fan of Gary Damron. Right now… I’m not so sure. Damron is the boss at ASW, a phenomenal promotion running out of West Virginia featuring some of…
I’m a fan of WWE. I subscribe to the Network, and I always enjoy seeing them live. That said, I have been to enough of their shows and enough indy shows to know…